Monday, October 26, 2009

After the first year ...

Thanks for the eNotate software from North American Chess Association, finally my son can record his games correctly and I can start this blog. (Sorry MonRoi. Your product looks good but it's TOO expensive).

My son started playing chess about one year ago. His current strength is round 1000 (USCF Rating). Originally I was thinking to use a plain blog name like "Road to 2000". Since he lost all his games for the first time last weekend and his rating dropped almost 100 points, I decided to add "Bumpy" to remind him and myself that chess is not easy. We will have to take it easy and enjoy both the happiness and sadness from this game.

This blog will be mostly on his chess development - tournament games, study progress, interesting positions from teacher, and so on. I will try to ask him to contribute whenever possible. Maybe he will take it over when he grows up a little bit.

Ok, enough for the very first post. I will upload two of his lost games in the next one (after I find out how to post games).

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